Maths Terms and Tables Book - Dr Paul Swan
Description / Maths Terms and Tables Book - Dr Paul Swan
Most teachers acknowledge that many children's difficulties with mathematics stern from difficulties with language. Often children experience difficulty understanding state and national tests because either they cannot read the question or understand the mathematical words that are used.
In language classes children and teachers often reach for a dictionary when the meaning of a word is not known- why not do the same for mathematics?
More than just a dictionary of mathematics terms this publication includes diagrams and examples where possible to illustrate the concepts and ideas being discussed. The first half of the book contains definitions of all the mathematical terms teachers, parents and children will come across in the primary school and the early secondary years. The second half of the book is filled with simple to use tables where mathematical ideas are grouped together.
- comprehensive listing of common mathematical terms, tables and concepts
- brief yet accurate definitions
- written in unambiguous, easily understood language
- explanatory diagrams and examples used whenever appropriate or necessary
- topic-based overview of key ideas in the latter half of the book
- a highly accessible resource for users at all levels–students, teachers and parents
Mathematical terms, tables and concepts
In language it is common for a parent, teacher or student to make use of a dictionary to check the
More Information
Dr Paul Swan
Content Strand
Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry, Statistics & Probability
Proficiency Strand
Alternative Codes